Thursday 17 November 2011


So we were so excited to be going to Berlin. Everyone had told us that Berlin is so awesome.  We caught a night train from Krakow Poland to Praha in the Czech Republic so that we could arrive at 7.30am and jump on a train bound for Berlin at 8.30am so we would arrive in Berlin at around 2. The night train was uncomfortable and insanely loud. So there was not much sleep to be had there. Once we boarded the next train in Praha I relised that our eurorail pass was not valid in Czech.. I know I know its probably something that we should have looked at BEFORE arriving there and randomly jumping on a train, but alas, we did not! So when the ticket guy comes around to check our tickets he says "No... not valid.... buy new ticket...25 euro each". We had 20 between us! Eeeeep! So Louise promptly works her magic and starts crying and we get the ticket for the 20 euros! YAY!
Upon arrival to Berlin we were thinking that it was off to a good start! The directions to the hostel were fantastic, and we did not get lost once! Bonus! Alas the luck turned sour quickly. We were ther for a grand total of about 40mins when both of our phones were stolen from our dorm room! Great!
So we had planned to go out and see the city, instead we had to rush around trying to cancel phone plans. FUN TIMES!
The next day was spent finding the police station and making a report so we could claim our phones on travel insurance. The arvo was more enjoyable... we walked along the Berlin wall where artists have painted murals all along it. It was a long walk but it was nice to see, but god it was freezing!
Day three was a much better day. We walked through the park and saw all the touristy attactions. We also went for a tour of a really awesome palace and if I was better with names I would remember what it was called. But it was very cool. It was my favourite style....Baroque!!!
Leaving tomorrow at some stage heading to Cologne. Should be good!

Monday 14 November 2011

Budapest - Poland

Budapest was pretty cool. The hostel had a really good vibe but apart from the cool people it was pretty gross. There was just shit everywhere and the bathrooms were a little nasty! So really thank god there were cool people.
We arrived at about 6.30 and the group were going out at like 8 so we decided to go out. Budapest night life is great. Spent the night drinking piƱa coladas and singing karaoke!
Saw the city sites and went to the baths! The baths were so nice to relax in after walking around for days!
We booked a sleeper train to Krakow Poland. That was weird! We arrived in Krakow at 7am and dumped our stuff at the hostel and caught a bus to Auschwitz.
The concentration camp was intense. The tour there was amazing though and it was interesting to see that most of the camp was original. The only things that have been re built are the things the germans destroyed to try to hide the evidence of their crimes.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Predjama fail

Today was a total epic fail!
We travelled for hours to get to Predjama to visit the castle that's built into a cave on a cliff (cool right?!?). So we walk all the way across town from our hostel to the train station, pay $10 euro to get a return ticket. We are told that there is a bus that goes from the station in Predjama to the caves and the castle. So we get there and the lady at the help desk says "no bus"... YAY! She then informs us that it's only a 2km walk to the caves. we walk.
We get to the caves and it is like a ghost town. The souvenir shop is closed, there is an abandoned hotel there (totally reminded me of the shining). But the cave tours are apparently still running... Good let's buy a ticket then... Nope no power, come back soon. So we get lunch.. No power so no burgers only sandwich. So sandwich it was!
When we can finally buy a ticket there next tour time was 3pm.... Great it is 12.30.... What are we supposed to do in this zombie town? I know, go to the castle!! Nope... again "no bus" and this time the walk is 9kms (hell to the no). So we spent a good portion of the time stalking tour buses and asking if they were going to the castle... All said no! LIARS!!!
So while the caves were VERY cool we did not get to see the castle! Which was the whole reason we came to Slovenia in the first place!
Totally bummed out!! Hope Budapest delivers tomorrow!!!

Monday 7 November 2011

Croatia to Slovenia

Okay so visiting the lakes in Croatia was unbelievable. The scenery was so calm and picturesque. It was very cold but i think it's better when it's cold. There were no other tourists around when we were walking. It was quiet and peaceful. In summer the place would be mental. The bus ride to get to the lakes was a 3 hour hike, which sucked apart from the pretty scenery along the way. The towns are all so cute. They have little white houses with red roofs that are all uneven looking.
We passed a town that looked like rivendale from lord of the rings. It wad crazy, the whole town was built in a valley and the houses were literally built with the river flowing through them. It's still fall here in Croatia so the scenery was so beautiful. There are orange, red and yellow leaves everywhere and the paths are laced with fallen leaves. The lakes are a must when visiting Croatia.
The lake trip was yesterday, so today was our last day in Zagreb Croatia. We headed to Ljubljana Slovenia on the train today. In the morning me wondered around Zagreb and took in some more of the city.
The train ride to Slovenia was scenic also. The train travels along the side of the mountains. So on one side of the train is a mountain and the other side is a river. So there was plenty to look at on the 2 and a half hour train ride.
Upon arrival at the train station Louise and I promptly got lost but this time only briefly and we were able to self correct fortunately. This hostel is very nice, it's clean and the beds are way nicer and less creaky! We arrived late in the arvo so we spent the evening waking around the city. There is so much to look at. It's lovely. The architecture is incredible. We even saw our first castle!! Impressive! Hopefully tomorrow we will see another castle or two.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Destination - Croatia

After many many many torturous hours of slumming it in economy (or cattle class) with etihad airways Louise and I finally made it to London. Upon our arrival we find that there is no free hotel pick up waiting for us, rather we have to catch the train to a different terminal of heathrow then find the bus station, then find the right terminal and the right number bus to catch to take us to our hotel. FUN.
Upon arriving at the hotel we find that our room is almost comically small (guess that's what you get for $20 a night). But hey, it's only for the night! After about 5 seconds of checking out the room it was nap time. The plan was to nap, find dinner then sleep. 18 hours later it's time to get up and head back to the air port.
Next flight is with air Croatia, Louise and I held our breath the entire flight. The flight was surprisingly good and we arrived alive (always a bonus). At the airport we find a bus to take us to the main bus stop then we have to find the tram stops and jump on a tram to find our hostel. Of course we became hopelessly lost and a lovely local girl helped us out by walking us to our hostel. Having seen the movie hostel I was thinking the whole time that she was taking us somewhere to remove our organs or something. Turned out to be okay though.
The funk hostel is pretty nice and the staff are lovely so it's totally worth the $16 a night. Heading to the lakes tomorrow so early early early to bed!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

T-minus 40 hours!!!

Jetting off to EUROPE in a very short time. It will be my first trip to Europe and my longest overseas trip to date. I'm creating this blog in the hopes of cutting time writing numerous e-mails to friends and if you are a friend or family member just read along here. Hopefully I can keep up to date with these blogs inbetween all the fun having and the stressing!
So far I have not even thought about packing....I'm kind of hoping to wing it (fingers crossed) and I still have SO many things to do in so little time.
Wish me luck!!!