Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Predjama fail

Today was a total epic fail!
We travelled for hours to get to Predjama to visit the castle that's built into a cave on a cliff (cool right?!?). So we walk all the way across town from our hostel to the train station, pay $10 euro to get a return ticket. We are told that there is a bus that goes from the station in Predjama to the caves and the castle. So we get there and the lady at the help desk says "no bus"... YAY! She then informs us that it's only a 2km walk to the caves. we walk.
We get to the caves and it is like a ghost town. The souvenir shop is closed, there is an abandoned hotel there (totally reminded me of the shining). But the cave tours are apparently still running... Good let's buy a ticket then... Nope no power, come back soon. So we get lunch.. No power so no burgers only sandwich. So sandwich it was!
When we can finally buy a ticket there next tour time was 3pm.... Great it is 12.30.... What are we supposed to do in this zombie town? I know, go to the castle!! Nope... again "no bus" and this time the walk is 9kms (hell to the no). So we spent a good portion of the time stalking tour buses and asking if they were going to the castle... All said no! LIARS!!!
So while the caves were VERY cool we did not get to see the castle! Which was the whole reason we came to Slovenia in the first place!
Totally bummed out!! Hope Budapest delivers tomorrow!!!

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