Monday 14 November 2011

Budapest - Poland

Budapest was pretty cool. The hostel had a really good vibe but apart from the cool people it was pretty gross. There was just shit everywhere and the bathrooms were a little nasty! So really thank god there were cool people.
We arrived at about 6.30 and the group were going out at like 8 so we decided to go out. Budapest night life is great. Spent the night drinking piƱa coladas and singing karaoke!
Saw the city sites and went to the baths! The baths were so nice to relax in after walking around for days!
We booked a sleeper train to Krakow Poland. That was weird! We arrived in Krakow at 7am and dumped our stuff at the hostel and caught a bus to Auschwitz.
The concentration camp was intense. The tour there was amazing though and it was interesting to see that most of the camp was original. The only things that have been re built are the things the germans destroyed to try to hide the evidence of their crimes.

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